On August 20th in Petralia Sottana, an ancient tradition is renewed
The tradition, spanning over eighty years, is that of the “Ballo Pantomima della Cordella,” which returns every first sunday after mid-august.
Twenty-four colored ribbons, known as cordelle, are to be interwoven. They unravel from the end of a pole crowned with a lush ear of wheat. Twelve pairs of dancers, meticulously dressed in accordance with ancient peasant tradition, are tasked with the weaving.

You will witness a whirl of colors circling around a pole, and through a kaleidoscopic dance, skillfully woven patterns will unfold before your eyes, created by the multicolored ribbons.
You’ll be carried away by the engaging rhythm of the Sicilian tarantella, the jingle of tambourines, the resonance of the marranzano, the melodious whistling of the friscaletto.

You’ll witness a dance with ancient origins that goes back to rural dances performed around trees as propitiatory rituals to the gods, celebrating the triumph of life and fertile love.
Not coincidentally, it takes place at the climax of the “Antico Corteo Nuziale”, a reenactment of the ancient wedding marriage rituals. Every element is a symbol: the ear of wheat recalls the ancient worship of Ceres; the twelve pairs represent the twelve months of the year, or the twelve constellations revolving around the sun; the four choreographies depict the four seasons.

You’ll perceive in the eyes of the dancers and musicians a rare combination of passion, frenzy, and sacredness. You’ll feel compelled to join this enchantment and be proud to be a part of it.

Parade: Corso Paolo Agliata (Palazzo Pucci) at 3:00 PM
Dance: Campo Sportivo Comunale at 5:00 PM

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